The AICE Diploma
A student may take any AICE course at any time in their high school career. However, in order to qualify for the AICE Diploma, students must pass a minimum of 7 AICE exams within a 25 month period. There is flexibility in how a student may earn the Diploma, but all students must meet these minimum requirements:
Global Perspectives and Research
Group 1:Mathematics and Science
Group 2: Languages
Group 3: Arts and Humanities
Group 4: Interdisciplinary Studies
(only 2 courses are allowed from this group)
For a complete listing of SFMHS's AICE Courses
Go to AICE Planning Guide

A level vs. AS level Courses
A level courses are considered two credit courses. So, if a student earns a passing score on an A level course exam they earn 2 credits in that group towards the AICE diploma. A level courses are often two year courses. AS level are less rigorous than A level course and thus only offer one credit towards the diploma. These courses can be completed in a single academic year.
Assessments are given at the end of the academic year (typically April and May) and makeups are offered in November of the following year. Assessments vary from course to course but usually are heavily reliant on reading and writing skills. Most exams are taken over a two-day window. Some courses include practical projects, portfolios, and oral presentations as part of their exam requirements.
Scores awarded to students range from A through E. E is considered a passing score. In order to earn the AICE diploma, students must obtain 140 points towards the diploma.

Cambridge Passing Levels
Cambridge AICE Diploma With Distinction: Awarded to students with a score of 360 points or above.
Cambridge AICE Diploma with Merit: Awarded to students with between 250 and 359 points.
Cambridge AICE Diploma at Pass Level: Awarded to students with between 150 and 249 points.